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Well..now that our blog is somewhat up and some what running..
I think we should introduce ourselves and the blog
well the blog is 2 part owned.
Part 1 Consists of Candy
(aka Ashwin Candade)
Part 2 Consists of Dman(aka
Dhananjai Hari)
Its our creative common..It is here where we share our passion for movies and film making
but this is more or less our "critic" blog.. in a manner of speaking.
It is here where we write our reviews of the movie we all love to hate..and hate to love..or plain and simply hate/love.
It is here were we recomend the movie you should "c" and maybe not "c"(a nice modification of hamlet don't you think ;)

If there are any movies you want us to review please leave us a message and we shall respond A.S.A.P.
With love
candy and dman
ps..please feel free to comment and share your opinions on the movie..
also maintain sanity dignity and respect.it is a public forum sort of

great start guys :) am impressed
i cant' help it but..WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU NOTSPOKE ABOUT GHOST RIDER ...its a movie made to hate and criticize...big catch i say!

not spoken*

yea... Shall do.. and we'll have a field day criticizin it.. although u did a great job on yours..:P

Neat site.
But listen, you guys better watch every big movie that releases on the first day or something, and then post reviews on it asap.
That way I can rely on you guys whether to c or not to c.
And do not review the movie like a critic.
Review it from the average teens point of view. Easier to connect with and understand. Don't get all sophisticated and rate a movie 3.7 and all (!) I loved ThePrestige. 3.7 ?
Have a key of sorts.
3 - TimePass
Below 3 - Don't bother.
above 3 - Do watch.
You get the drift ?
All the best.

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The Purpose

This is our creative common.. It is here where we share our passion for movies and film making but this is more or less our "critic" blog.. in a manner of speaking. It is here where we write our reviews of the movie we all love to hate..and hate to love..or plain and simply hate/love. It is here where we recommend the movie you should "c" and maybe not "c" (a nice modification of hamlet don't you think ;))


Any movie that you want to see but don't know if it's worth your time..?? request for a review.. and we'll do our best to review it ASAP!

Coming Soon

  • 300
  • Ghost rider
  • The Grind house
  • Water
  • TMNT

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