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The DaVinci Code

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a little late .but this movie deserves to be reviewed for all the hype it created.


Robert langdon-Tom Hanks
Agent Sophie Neveu-Audrey tautou
Sir Leigh Teabing-Ian McKellen
Captain Bezu Fache-Jean Reno
Silas-Paul Bettany
Bishop Manuel Aringarosa-Alfred Molina
director-Ron Howard
book by Dan Brown

well this movie is all about Robert Langdon and the quest for the holy grail
.BUT. you wont be able to make out most of the movie..if you haven't read the book
my suggestion read the book

frankly..the movie is quite "un" understandable..unless of course if you have read the book
which makes everything easier..and the frankly the movie not worth watching
poor chemistry between Sophie(Audrey Tatou) and Robert Langdon(tom hanks)
just says it all,bad casting and not very good acting
this is must not c movie in the theater..its worth a DVD if you've read the book
but then again..you're better of leaving things to your imagination.

I give this a movie a poor 2 of 5..but if u feel differently let us know

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