Thank You For Smoking
blogger comments
By golly why didn't this release in India... A brilliant satire...
A must "c"
Nick Naylor-Aaron Eckhart
Bobby Jay Bliss-David Koechner
Robin Williger-Eric Haberman
Sue Maclean-Mary Jo Smith
Budd 'BR' Rohrabacher-J.K Simmons
Ron Goode-Todd louiso
Joey Naylor-Cameron Bright
Senator Ortolan .K.finisitirre-William.H.Macy
Jill Naylor-Kim Dickens
Heather Holloway-Katie Holmes
The story of a lobbyist Nick Naylor and the way he puts a spin on tobacco like no other..
how ever he still is the role model for his son.
I loved it. I think this is probably the best movie to come out of Hollywood for a long time. A brilliant comedy(satire rather), with awesome dialogs and acting...
The story is lovely and Aaron Eckhart does a fantastic role of playing the smooth talking lobbyist
the film is a real good watch for all kind of movie goers...
It's educational, emotional, funny, everything you need to make a good movie.
This movie will make you think and is a real nicotine inflected kick in the arse bound to break the funny bone in a few places.
this is a must "c"movie...
Get your hands on the latest DVD. You just have to watch it..just have to
this movie is rated pop corn, coke, doughnuts, all the food u can get ..load 'em up you'll have an enjoyable two hours
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