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Blogger comments:we welcome our new reviewer
Nishad Davey..he now works for
to "C" or not to "C".
his recomendations: nice watch..not a waste of movie money


Jaguar Paw: Rudy Youngblood
Seven: Dalia Hernandez
Blunted: Jonathan Brewer
Flint Sky: Morris Birdyellowhead
Zero Wolf: Raoul Trujillo
Middle eye: Gerardo Taracena

Director: Mel Gibson
Cinematography: Dean Semler
Editor: Kevin Stitt & John Wright

Set during the decline of the mighty Mayan civilization, the movie sets main focus on a village/tribe which is annexed by the Mayans to be sacrificed to please the sun god and hence avoid their decline. The protagonist is a young hunter called Jaguar Paw who intends to escape his captors and rescue his wife.

For one thing, anyone can tell this is a typical Mel Gibson movie because
A) The entire movie runs in a weird dead language (in this case it’s Mayan. Passion of the Christ was Armenian). So don’t forget to pop on your reading glasses for the scrawny subtitles. B) The movie theme is against conventions, beliefs and superstitions. Though the overbearing theme is quite unclear, Gibson manages to portray the importance of superstition and misinterpretations that struck fear in the hearts of the Mayans quite clearly. Fantastic visuals and cinematography, especially during the forest chases. Commendable acting by the cast, especially for a bunch of people who had no idea what they were speaking. Though the humour seems unnecessary and odd in some places. All in all, a not-so-bad watch.

The Purpose

This is our creative common.. It is here where we share our passion for movies and film making but this is more or less our "critic" blog.. in a manner of speaking. It is here where we write our reviews of the movie we all love to hate..and hate to love..or plain and simply hate/love. It is here where we recommend the movie you should "c" and maybe not "c" (a nice modification of hamlet don't you think ;))


Any movie that you want to see but don't know if it's worth your time..?? request for a review.. and we'll do our best to review it ASAP!

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